It's imperative right now to prioritize what's right for you and what you exactly want from your undergrad life. Is it a new language or a new course ? Maybe you want to learn more about topics that concern people these days the most. Or maybe you just want to be a couch potato.
You have 4 papers in the first semester and 5 marks for each which means 20 marks for 85% attendance. Take a call right now, are these 20 marks worth it or you would rather invest your time and effort in something more productive.
(This is no way an encouragement to not attend college regularly)
Do not do anything to antagonize your professors. They are responsible for anywhere between 15–25% of your grade.
It's honestly a good thing to give a kick-start to something new. If you can think of an interest, passion or hobby, mostly there exists a society that caters to it. Join em, give it a shot; you might just realize your own worth.
I mean ECAs these days are more important for mental health.
No, I don't mean the flawed definition India has for education. No mugging up.
DU has opportunities for discussions, debates and discourse, ranging from politics and legal affairs to art and literature.
Go for them, you might just get to know about another aspect of your own self.
Choose the people you decide to hangout with. Your company plays a major role in your mindset. So, it's imperative for a person to have the best of it.
It's not like you have to stay with each and everyone of them for the entire time span of 3 years.
Either you'd get to know them, think of them as people who'd stay lifelong only to realise they were gone in 3 months or you'd be friends with someone you never expected could mean so much to you.
Don't get carried away too much.
It's a trap !
So, be wise and do what you think would be the best for you.
Also, don't go to Satya Niketan too much. It's a waste of time and money. Next time your friends force you to join them, take them to CP instead.
DU is an event hub. Everyday there's a new event, competition, session and occasionally you have Fests too.
In the even semesters, the "fest season" begins. So, be it the college fest featuring Bollywood stars, singers and dancers or the intellectual ones organised by societies, every DU student has a fair chance to participate.
Start drawing out your plan for these three years or maybe four for some.
There is an abundance of courses to cater to your choices be it CAT/GMAT/ CA/CFA.
In DU, you have a long summer break and a comparatively shorter winter break with occasional mid-semester breaks.
You can either plan to go for a trip to The dream place for every college student- Goa or pursue internships to sponsor your future trips to Goa.
Everything else is the default advice which almost every other "pados wali aunty" gives. Meet People - Make Friends - Explore Dilli - Try New Food- Get Good Grades.
Lastly, do what your heart feels is right.
At the end it's you for you.
Article by Poorvi Sharma.
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